






  • Stewart, I., Barnes-Holmes, D., Roche, B., & Smeets, P. M. (2002). A functional-analytic model of analogy: A relational frame analysis. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 78, 375-396.
  • Stewart, I., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Roche, B. (2004). A functional-analytic model of analogy using the relational evaluation procedure. Psychological Record, 54, 531-552.
  • Lipkens, R., & Hayes, S. C. (2009). Producing and recognizing analogical relations. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 91, 105-126.
  • Carpentier, F., Smeets, P. M., & Barnes-HolmeS; D. (2002). Matching functionally-same relations: Implications for equivalence-equivalence as a model for analogical reasoning. Psychological Record, 52, 351-312.
  • Carpentier, F., Smeets, P. M., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Stewart, I. (2004). Matching derived functionally same relations: Equivalence-equivalence and classical analogies. Psychological Record, 54, 255-273.

In the examples of analogies given earlier, there is symmetry between the nonarbitrary relations used in the analogy. In the analogy "An atom is like the solar system," the atom is the target and the solar system is the base, but the analogy could work in the other direction. The nonarbitrary spatial relation applied in the analogy (one part orbits another) is the same for both of the relational networks....【中略】...
Compare this to the metaphor "To argue with him is to be run over by a steamroller." The nonarbitrary relation that is applied in this metaphor - the similarity between two events involving standing in the way of an irresistible force - is not a symmetrical relation. One of the two relational networks being related has more of the key quality than the other network does. The base (being run over by a steamroller) has this quality to a greater extent than does the target (arguing with a certain person). True analogies can be used in both directions, as shown in the examples above. This is not the case with metaphors. If we were to turn the described metaphor around and say, "To be run over by a steamroller is to argue with him," this metaphor probably won t function well. The base and the target cannot switch places....【以下略】
 これを,「彼と議論することは,ロードローラーに轢かれるようなことである」のメタフアーと比ぺてみよう。このメタファーで適用されている非恣意的関係 − 抗しがたい力の前に立ちはだかることに関連した2つの出来事の間の類似性 − は, 対称的な関係ではない。ここで関係づけられている2つの関係ネットワークのうちの片方には,もう片方と比ぺて,より多くの鍵となる特質(key quality) が含まれている。ベース(ロードローラーに轢かれること)は,ターゲット(ある人と議論すること)よりも,この特質をより多く持っている。真のアナロジーは,先の例で示されたように,双方向に用いることができる。これは,メタフアーの場合には当てはまらない。仮に,私たちがここで扱っているこのメタファーを反転させて,「ロードローラーに轢かれることは,彼と議論するようなことでである」と言ってみたとしても,このメタファーは,おそらく,うまくは機能しないだろう。ペースとターゲットは, 入れ替えることができない。...【以下略】
